Vienna tourism: resurrection of the Rotunda tradition

The new Prater attraction Panorama Vienna will provide a great visual spectacle and plenty of goosebumps from spring 2023. A completely new concept for the Vienna Prater, which will show gigantic art formats in the form of giant analog 360-degree panoramas. A circular building with a height of 32 meters and a circumference of around 100 meters is currently being built for this purpose, on the inside of which the oversized panoramic artworks will be on display. Panorama Vienna refers to the tradition of rotundas in the Prater: rotundas were round buildings with spectacles for the masses inside. The largest of all rotundas was the World Exhibition Rotunda from 1873 – the largest domed building in the world at the time, but it went up in flames in 1937. 2023 therefore also means the resurrection of this Prater tradition.

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Renaissance of the monumental #1: The revival of the Rotunda in the Vienna Prater